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NVI Receives Two Major Gifts

The Board and Staff of the Nonviolence Institute are happy to share the news that we have been awarded a $500,000 gift, the largest in our history as an organization.

Brown University, Partnership for Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Foundation banded together to make this incredible contribution in support of our work. Brown took the lead with a $300,000 commitment and Partnership for Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Foundation each made a $100,000 contribution. Leaders from all three contributing organizations expressed the hope that the joint gift will inspire potential donations both large and small across the state to support the Institute's Street Outreach Team, Victim Services work, and employment and education initiatives.

NVI has also received a very competitive Community Impact Fund Grant from the United Way of Rhode Island. This is a two-year grant of $50,000 per year. The United Way received 163 applications and made 72 grants totaling $4,523,750. These funding was awarded in support of programs targeting the root causes of the racial inequities that have impacted Rhode Island's Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communitites for generations. These grants are part of United Way's commitment to invest $100 million over the next five years to build racial equity in Rhode Island and to create justice and opportunities for all. We are so grateful to have the support of these incredible organizations.


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